Sunday 29 April 2012

April Thoughts turn to Spring/Summer Adventures

April turns to thoughts of Spring Adventures

Well it's been a month since I've come back from my adventures down in Arizona.  This past month has been very busy at work, which left me with a surprise training trip to Cornwall Ontario so this past weekend was my down time and badly needed, some me time and time with my girlfriends.  My new diet started today will be a 42 day phase that hopefully will reset my metabolism as the last round last September (2011) did.

My sweet Scottish laddie (N10) has come back from Spain, we've met and things are going fantastic.  He is such a gentleman, likes to go out and do things.  In June we are penciled in for a canoe trip out at Caddy Lake with a couple I know for the weekend going through the tunnels out there.  He is experienced in kayaking, certified scuba diver and loves the outdoors, hiking, camping and fishing.  He has so much potential to offer this cougar in the way of outdoor experiences and general life experiences.

When he came back he went back trucking again, but it's not something that would consume him as my last lover, it is just a phase to get to where he wants to be.  He is a very enterprising man with a business savvy and would prefer to find a business in Canada to be home with his love rather than out on the road all the time.

Being in the trucking industry is hard on relationships, that is something I can understand.  Whereby, I don't want someone 24/7 consuming my time, I do want someone who can experience life with me more than a 36 hour reset leaving virtually no time for us.

We also seem to be thinking the same thoughts, finishing each others sentences, so the magic number for me seems to be Number 10!  I've had to go through 9 dates to find someone who seems genuinely interest in a relationship and not just sex with the cougar.  Although my last relationship was with a trucker and I did fall deeply in love with him but my old fears pushed him away, or not, I think I finally began to understand and  believe his first and only love was trucking, he just didn't want a serious relationship.  I am going into this new relationship my all, with my heart on my sleeve.  My fears, the things from the past that drove my demons to sabotage relationships are parked safely away in the dungeons of my mind and my arms are wide open.

He has already passed the inspection of my best-est friend and her significant other on a quiet evening together with BBQ and Sangria.  The highlander as I like to call him has a good rapport when meeting people, it was something that I observed when I first met him on a date to the Imax and on an outing at The Forks.  This gal is outgoing, and as one good male friend told me, I need someone as exciting as me, not boring, the highlander is definitely not boring.  His tales of his trucking through the middle east would make for a very interesting funny book.  The tales of scuba diving, sunken ships and surfing the fast running stream to collect scallops, the later reminding me of the movie Finding Nemo had my imagination running free.

One last thing, thanks to you my best friend, my confident, someone who keeps me grounded and puts my jumbled emotions into prospective, I don't know how I've ever managed all this years until you came back into my life, my poppy doll.

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