Thursday 11 October 2012

Kelowna Adventure

Kelowna and back the first time I was ever excited to take someone home to meet my mother!
The road is long with many a winding turn

 Mission Creek Parkway, Kelowna, BC Canada

Its' a weeks holiday and my honey and me are on my way to Kelowna, BC,  I'm on my iphone and listing my way to Kelowna on Facebook. 

September 27, 2012 is the last day of my current job contract the next one doesn't start until October 22nd.  I have three full weeks but my highlander only has 11 days before he needs to hit the road again, a truckers life.

Friday September 28th we are off on the road by 8:30 A.M taking my blue beauty the Ford Focus because it's newer and good on gas.  I'm driving the first part to Regina where my honey will take over, music playing we chat, laugh and make our way down the highway.  The prairies are boring to most, and it's no different with my highlander, I sometimes like the way the wind blows through the fields of golds, greens and purples but this trip is late in the fall and all you see is dead dried fields everywhere.

Our first stop is Regina Saskatchewan were we fill up I still don't know the full capacity of my fuel tank and the kilometers it will allow me.  We grab a coffee at the Husky and we are on our way.  He stops at the Husky's and collects points so our coffee is free, we've also filled up with triple the points so he has enough for at least two showers when he's back work.

My highlander has taken over the driving and I sit back to manage the songs we will be listening to.  My vehicle has a ipod connection and one can not go anywhere without good music to whittle away the miles.  I even take the time to download songs on itune from his favorite group Westlife.  My highlander is such a romantic, he had me look up these songs while he was still in Spain and they tugged at my heart.

We've brought along some sandwiches that my honey made so we can capitalize on our driving time.  So at Moose Jaw, SK we stop to get another coffee, eat our lunch and stretch our legs.

Our next stop is dinner or tea time as he calls it in Red Cliff, Alberta, he decided he would drive the rest of the way with me taking over in the morning.

Medicine Hat and soon dinner at Red Cliff

Our target is Strathmore where we are both okay to just bunk down in the vehicle and have a shower in the Husky in the morning with a good hearty breakfast.  We have hotels booked in Golden and Three Valley Gap as well as Kelowna.  We reach our destination around 11:30 pm but it's only 10:30 as we gained an hour going west.

Lucie is eager for a view of the Rockies although she has been there before with the Highlander

Saturday morning there is a crispness in the air, sure signs that fall has set into Canada.  We have our shower together and a good hearty meal and we set off.  My honey decides he will continue to drive to Golden, with me doing the driving once we get to Kelowna.  I'm happy to view the gorgeous scenery of the great Canadian Rockies and take pictures.

Ominous clouds just out of Calgary

We've come into the majestic Canadian Rockies and I continue to look and take a few pictures of the beauty around us on our way to our first stop Banff.

We come up to Banff National Park and I have my honey swing in so we can get a park pass.  If you want to stop in a Canadian National Park you have to have a park pass.  I have a Pass that I need to show them courtesy of my current employer, so with paper attached to the windshield away we go to explore Banff National Park.

Our first stop is the town of Banff and a view of the Bow River which lies in view of the Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel.  I have researched a few places I want to see while on this adventure and this is my first place.

Bow River - Banff, Alberta Canada
 After partaking of the beautiful view of the falls in Banff it's off to Johnston Canyon.  Johnston Canyon trail is the busiest hiking trail in the summer mainly because of it's journey to two amazing waterfalls and pools what they call the Ink Pots.

"The trail begins immediately behind Johnston Canyon Lodge. After a short climb through the forest, it descends and stays close to Johnston Creek all the way to Lower Falls. Along the way you pass over sturdy iron catwalks attached beneath overhanging canyon walls, where the turbulent waters of the creek flow beneath your feet"

Johnston Canyon
 One thing about the rivers, streams and lakes in this region is they are clear, emerald and cold, feed from the glaciers high atop the mountains.

A good hike uphill to the upper falls and downhill most of the way back, with the following kilometers hiked:

1.1 - Lower Falls.
2.7 - Upper Falls (1565 m)

We were on a schedule to get in as much as we could so the extra 3.1 kilometers to the 5.8 - Ink Pots (1645 m) will have to wait for another adventure.

With the hike over we continue on our way to Moraine Lake, one of the 41 places in the world to see before you die.  It's Number 12 on the list: 

Moraine Lake, Canada

Moraine Lake is a glacier fed lake and is famous for it's distinct blue color, although they say June is more impressive for the blue since it crest at that time. It also has the distinction of being on the back of the Canadian $20 bill.   My honey takes a picture of me for my bucket list completed.

 There are nice condo's around the lake as well as a hotel, I'm thinking it might be a nice place to come in June and have a romantic holiday. 

And I take a sneak picture of him as he looks around the lake lol. 
After a look around we say goodbye to Moraine Lake and are on our way to impressive Lake Louise

Lake Louise has such a breathtaking landscape, "it’s no surprise that this UNESCO World Heritage Site has been nominated time and again as a “must-see” destination for travelers around the world."

Lake Louise, Alberta Canada
And even at the end of September there are lots of tourist and tour buses that converge on this place to take photo's.

Banff Natiional Park completed it's time to head on to Golden and perhaps a stop along the way.  While we are driving we see a sign for Crazy Creek Falls and bookmark that to check out along with some others.

There were a few more places we decided we would stop at on our way back, it had been a long day of seeing the wonders of nature and dinner and a nice relaxing evening in our hotel in Golden, BC was waiting.
In Golden we choose a Greek restaurant not far from our hotel it's quite quaint and with dinner over we head back to hour hotel for a little bit of R & R.

Sunday September 30, 2012
Mount Revelstoke National Park is another stop on our way to get a park pass to tape to our window as we plan on stopping.  We pull into the Discovery centre at Rogers Pass and spend about an hour viewing the artifacts and video's about the area.

Built in an avalanche shelter
The famous arch at Rogers Pass

 There was an interesting video on how avalanches and how they fire cannons towards the top of the snow covered mountains to disperse snow that would otherwise fall unsuspectingly on travelers that make their way through the mountains on the Transcanada Highway # 1 and the Coquihalla highway Highway # 5.  When I think of the Coquihalla it reminds me of the show Highway thru Hell television series a docureality series about the work crews that patrol B.C.'s Coquihalla Highway in midwinter.  When I saw that show I told my honey that he would not be driving to BC in the winter in a semi, I want him around for the rest of my life.

Many years ago he went trucking through the middle east and has many interesting stories somehow I love to listen to them and they don't bother me as he did make it through that part of his life.

As we are driving we come across a place called Giant Cedars Boardwalk Trail and pull in to check it out.

A winding boardwalk through a forrest of cedar trees.


It was a lovely walk through the trees with my honey, my frisky highlander was ready to take me there in the mist of the forest if it hadn't been for the other tourists that stopped to meander through the greenery.

On our way again to Three Valley Gap where we have booked into Three Valley Lake Chateau.

The view is stunning from our balcony, almost makes us want to give up the Ghost Town tour but we settle into our room and head out to visit the Ghost Town.

The ghost town bringing you back to the pioneer days of a typical 1800’s British Columbia western town.  there are more than 25 rescued and restored historic buildings, an Antique Auto Museum* featuring automobiles dating from 1902, and our Railway Roundhouse*, complete with turntable, locomotives and rail cars.

McLaughlin Buggy

Pierre Elliot Trudeau Train

Cheeky Face driving a Electric Trolley Bus
 I actually had the privilege of riding in one of these when they were still in use in Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada with my mother, just can't remember how old I was.

 They even have a haunted train in keeping with the spirit of the ghost town and upcoming Halloween.

The faceless man lol

There were many things to see in this ghost town and I would recommend it to anyone to stop by this Diamond amongst the Canadian Rockies and spend more than a day or two.

The Chateau offers kayaks and canoes for rent and it was the last day for the Glacier helicopter tours, I was tempted but we were only there for the evening because we were leaving for Kelowna in the morning.  We were of same mind wishing we would have booked the weekend at this gem in the mountains, but there is always next year and a bucket list item and my dream of white water rafting down the Kicking Horse river.

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