Tuesday 14 February 2012

Never Ending Quest (Exercise + Diet = Healthy Lifestyle)

Some of you may wonder what that is, but it's nothing more than the goal to lose weight, tone up and be as fit as one can be.  To ensure that your golden years are as full and active as your life has been up to that point.

This year something changed in me, although I've started off slow, I've come to the conclusion that my years are being numbered.  My previous lifestyle does not fit the rest of my life, for this cougar it will be a year of self exploration into the world of fitness and healthy eating.

Since New Years, I've been on and off with the diet/exercise still maintaining a weight loss which is good, but I want more.  When showing my daughter a picture of a woman who the local radio chose for what they call the "Cougar Edition", she said to me, if you continue, you'll look better than that.  The chosen cougar was a weigh lifter, while I don't want to muscle my body up to that extent, I do want to slim and tone.  My goal is to spend the summer in a bikini, something I haven't done since my youth, and to catch the rest of this body up with the 'legs'.

The challenge, but not so much of a challenge will be to ensure I don't over do the empty calories of alcohol when out dancing on my Friday nights.  So far this year, I've been doing well, drinking a few, ensuring that no one can put anything into my drink and drinking plenty of water.

Sunday I started my new me, for two weeks my daughter has planned out exercises of 90 minutes duration.  Cardio mixed with strength training for both upper and lower.  Most of the routeen involves CD's from Beach Body, there is the Hip Hop Abs that Shaun T has that works out your core muscles all the time, then there are the Max T3 12 minute burst designed by Dr Ben Lerner, the Beach Body 10 minute trainers done by Tony Horton.

With each 90 minutes of workout there is always 10 minutes of yoga at the end to ensure those muscles are stretched properly.  After each workout I take a protein shake to further give the muscles relief.  The Team Beach Body also has a diet menu plan with recipes and I must say some of the recipes I've tried in the last two days are very good./

Benefits of Strength Training. 2-3 generations ago, physical jobs kept you in shape. Nowadays sedentary lifestyles are common: desk jobs, watching tv, driving car all day. Here's what strength training can do for you:
  • Builds Muscle. Strength training builds muscle: the stronger you are, the more muscles you'll have. Strength training is not bodybuilding however: building muscle is a byproduct of exercising, not its goal.
  • Burns Fat. Strength training burn calories, keeps your metabolic rate high under strict dieting and tends to make you stick to your diet better.
  • Increases Health. Strength training increases endurance, bone density & testosterone levels. Strength training strengthens your joints, lowers cholesterol & improves your sleep. You'll notice nutrition is important to get results in strength training. All leads to a healthier body & lifestyle.
  • Forges Character. Strength training teaches you persistence, sacrifice, self-control, responsibility & builds self-confidence. You'll get out of strength training what you put into it.

At the end of February I head down to Arizona for a month of leisure, but the place I'm staying has a gym and my sister is bringing her Hip Hop Abs.  I also have access to the South Beach diet online so traveling will not be a problem.

When I get back from Arizona, I will start to ride my bicycle to work, something that I've never done.  The bicycle uses a whole set of different muscles than dancing but I'm determined to enjoy the spring/summer/fall outdoors on my own power.  One day I will be taking a bicycling trip and be able to handle the long days peddling an item on my bucket list.  We also got the P90X series and extreme conditioning program that lasts three months and gets you ripped.  Since this is an extreme program, the next month and a half will be to get me ready for that program when I return.

What made me make up my mind was a date with N9 at Smitty's Sunday night.  I commented on him in my blog of February 5th.  It made me reflect back on the dates and men I've known, and I wonder if some may have thought the same of me as I would almost always have something to drink upon meeting someone.  I am not an alcoholic by any means, but sometimes drinking out in a bar, laughing and being around crazy people can be guilt by association.

I always reflect back on the night of October 15th, 2011 when I was out at a bar with only three glasses of wine and couldn't remember anything that happened.  For this cougar who has way more to drink in an evening and remembered everything the only conclusion I came to was that someone slipped something in my drink.  When I think of a drug being slipped into my drink or anyone's for that matter, these people doing it don't realize that it may cause someones death, that person may have an allergy to it.

Sunday 5 February 2012

Continuing Saga of Online Dating Part IV

Expect the Unexpected

Always expect the unexpected, went on the online dating site Saturday night and unhide my profile.  A new man caught my eye N8 and after a little bit of back and forth, I gave him my number and he called.  It was refreshing to chat with someone on the phone for 3 1/2 hours before my phone died at 1:30 am.  Nevermind I had to be up at 5:30 for ice fishing the next day.  This guy had me laughing throughout our converation, and when I called him back after I plugged in my phone, I got a wrong number only didn't realize it till the next day.  He called me on my way home from fishing and we had a good laugh.

There is also another possibility N9, who contacted me telling me first he liked my eyes, then legs and boots.  It appears this one owns a factory and wants to meet me at Hy's lounge and if we hit it off, he'll come down to see me in Arizona, he sent me two pictures, one with a back yard pool.  He is older than the cougar, but hell perhaps she needs to date someone with money to see how the other half lives.

Ice fishing with my best friends was a blast, it was my first time ice fishing and I hope to do many more.  The score tally, me being the first one to catch a fish, her boyfriend 4, me 1, her zip and my other best friend: Mittens, Hat, Ice Shack, the underside of the ice hole, my line twice.  Thank goodness she didn't try to catch my hair, lips or ass lol.  My poor friend wasn't having a good day, she was also seeing deers with tail lights which she simply disclosed as John Deer.

We stayed out on beautiful Lake Winnipeg all day with plus temperatures, my facial muscles are sore from all the laughing.  I also pocket called my last love by mistake on the way home, good thing he ignored my call and I deleted his number once and for all from my phone.  My friends and I had a good laugh over that one.  With this being said, it is time for a nice hot bath to ease the fishing muscles and to get some needed sleep since I only had less than 4 hours from the night before.

Date night Tuesday February 7 with N8, not sure if I want to let this one pursue me, but it will be him pursuing not me.  We played pool and a favorite pool place of mine, I won so I have a concession of asking for something in the future hehehehehehe.  I found chatting with him on the phone and then in person two different things, he talks alot for one and by the end of the evening I found myself yawning more than a few times.

N9 will be back in town from business on Thursday February 9 and wants to take me to a fancy lounge, Hy's.  I look forward to this, the cougar is not use to someone with money wanting to take her out.  Perhaps she will like it and want it to continue.

Wednesday N9 called, and red flags popping up, so not sure if this is something I'll let pursue me.  Profile hidden, going to work on me prior to Arizona....so stay tuned.

Sunday evening rolls in an N9 called to get together, I choose Smitty's where I'll meet him.  When I come in he is already there sitting drinking red wine.  I tell the waitress I will have a glass of water, on strict diet/exercise regime for two weeks.  We chat, he makes me laugh, we share some celery and wings, but the one thing I can't get out of my mind as he orders another craft of wine is that he feels like a drinker.  Here he is sitting drinking wine while he is fighting a DUI, no amount of good looks or laughter can make me want to continue seeing him.  This cougar has changed her ways, she is looking for someone who lives a healthy lifestyle, exercise, healthy eating and limited alcohol.  That brings me back to my exercise, I'm off from work now and have two weeks to give her until I leave for Arizona.

Saturday 4 February 2012

Freedom Calling


I've always loved the sound of that word, it means one can come and go as one pleases.  The cougar is taking a break from the dating game, planning her itinerary for her trip down to Arizona at the end of February, 2012.

I'm still going out to my favorite dance place for exercise, still laughing at the men that watch her or approach her, but not into anything serious at this time.  Online profile is hidden, thinking when I get back to change to some other site where they don't have the same men, doing the same looking.  This cougar needs something new, interesting and exciting, perhaps the trip down to Arizona will provide the new faces and experiences she requires and maybe something more long lasting.

It's really liberating how time heals a broken heart, I am ready to start the next phase of my life.  The goal is to find the 'one' who will fill my empty void, challenge my mind, caress my heart and love this cougar the way she deserve to be loved.  The biological clock for making love many times a day is ticking away, I don't want to waste one more moment, one more chance for a loving, lasting relationship with someone who deserves my love.  Someone who is not self-centered, stodgy, boring, or who's life consists of work and very little else.  Have you read some of the online profiles?  Some of these men need to get a life and probably a few women who hide behind the veil of the computer, preferring just talk because their picture is 10 years old or they are grossly overweight or men almost bald (not that its bad) or have a sexual dysfunction.