Tuesday 17 January 2012

Continuing Saga of Online Dating Part III


Well I must say N4 who I will refer to as baby boy because he is 9 years 3 months younger than the cougar,  seems to be interested, he came dancing Friday January 13th and brought a friend who's approval he was seeking, little did he know that I had my own friend there to see if she approved.  His friend really put me through the paces, I almost felt like he was hitting on me.  It's seemed he liked a woman with nice legs, skirt and heels and the cougar is known for her lethal legs, what did one young guy call them there that night....that he thought those legs were illegal.

It turned out to be a very interesting evening, pulling my baby boy in front of me a few times to stop the advances of his friend who I think was testing me.  At one point, his friend is butt dancing against mine, so I ask one of my girlfriends to slip in my place, my girlfriend has a large beautiful booty and I chuckle as he realizes that it's not me he's rubbing his butt up a against.  Towards the end of the night, here I was kissing my baby boy  like a school girl.  He wasn't driving that evening so he is indulging in the beer and  I think abit egged on by his friend my guy tries to nonchalantly put his hand under my skirt.  I promptly remove it and tell him that it is not the appropriate place, and beside the bartender is watching the antics.  With all this excitment my resistance wearing down, I decide it's time for me to head out of there and on home, without baby boy.  I have decided this year, a man will pursue me, but needs to get to really know me before I let him under my skirts.

My friend has approved of him, but like me thought his friend was pushing him thinking he would get lucky, but I was not budging from the new me this year.  He texts me the next morning saying he was sorry that he was a bad boy, I tell him I do like bad boys, but I want him to get to know me first before sex comes into the equation.  Since this is now Tuesday, January 17 and he is still calling me, I guess it's okay with him.  The trust in his motives seems to be pure for now.  I also asked if his friend approved of me and he said of course, his friend liked me, couldn't I tell.  I told him I figured that, and thought sometimes he was a little to fresh with me, and a little disrespectful of baby boy, but he said he has known him for years and knows he was just joking, so I let it go.

On Sunday night we talk on the phone for almost 50 mins, I tell him I would like to get to know him and ask if he would let me, he tells me yes he will, a good indication that he is serious about pursuing me.  I have already hidden my profile on the dating site, and haven't had one desire to check it out since the day after I met baby boy.

N4 is so good looking with muscles on his arms, something this cougar always liked on a man, I just can't get over that point, so this Friday January 20th, my favorite band is playing at my favorite place.  Its Tuesday and I tell him so, he promptly texts back that he will meet me there.  A good indication, he is serious about a relationship of some sorts, but this cougar will be moving very slowly, she was burnt recently and will not allow her heart to be put back into that position again.

Even though I will be moving this thing slowly, this guy is definitely one that I feel could mingle very well with my circle of friends, he is so outgoing, kind and considerate, a real breathe of fresh air from the serious, negative grumpy men I've dated in the past.  I can honestly say I'm would be proud to walk down the mall with a look at everyone saying look who I'm with.

It is Thursday January 19th and after an interesting confession by baby boy, the cougar is back on the prowl.  Although not seriously until after a vacation down to Phoenix in March.  Baby boy met a woman on New Years Eve that he was intrigued with and she gave him his number.  He sent a text to her but it didn't go through, through a friend she had where he worked she was able to send him an email.  He needed to tell me that, because he was interested in her and I really have to commend him as most men would have just walked away without an explanation.  As it turned out I know this girl, small world, I told him it was okay because I was letting him pursue me and wasn't totally vested in a relationship with him.  Deep down inside I was thinking he really is a nice guy, but there was always something playing in the back of my mind that he was too nice, and not a strong type that this cougar needs.  Besides the cougar still has deep feelings for the ex even though she knows that for him it is over.

Still it was good for the ego to have a young cute guy want to pursue me for the while he did, but eventually it would not be what the cougar is looking for in a life mate.  I have the feeling that this one, baby boy will eventually be back with his wife, his childhood sweetheart, I believe he is just going through a stage of sowing his wild oats.

Friday January 20th, a night of dancing at my favorite place, with my favorite band.  It is an interesting night as ex baby boy will be there with his love interest.  I decide that the course I will take is to stay out of there way.  The cougar dressed in short skirt, jacket, cfm shoes that accent her lethal legs, hair and makeup impeccably done by her darling daughter, I rock the club that night. So many guys trying to get my attention, the cougar is eating it all up.  Baby boy's friend ( now a potential N5) the one I thought so disrespectful is now laying it on thick, he is trying so hard, the legs and short skirt has him going, he keeps telling me I look so sexy, he is telling the singer in the band that I'm hot.  Silently I'm laughing, I tell him that all he wants is to get me in bed, and I also tell him it's never going to happen.  Still he tries to convince me that we would be fantastic in bed, I tell him it's because one always wants what is unattainable, I tell him I can't be had. The naughty in this cougar is putting him through the paces, dancing with him as only this sexy cougar can. He is just about dying, trying to get even a slightest kiss to my lips, which I gently turn my head when he tries.  I'm playing him, even though he is the type this cougar is usually attracted to.  As the night ends, he wants to drive me home, I tell him I have my own vehicle and I also drive my friend home, he tells me he will drive her home to.  This girl goes home with no one from the bar, so I give him my number to compromise and my girlfriend and I are on our way home.

We make one stop at 7-11 because I want to put some gas in the tank, when I get back in the vehicle my girlfriend is laughing she tells me you should have seen this guy in a van stop to let me cross as he starts to drive away, he is still looking and almost hits another car.  Yes it was a very good, good night, it felt good for the ego that this cougar can turn mens heads.  A thought comes to my mind, at one point during the evening I did look over at baby boy and thought "What did I ever see in him that I allowed him to purse me?", a nice guy yes, but definitely not this cougar's type, not a strong confident man that she needs.

The cougar has decided she is going in hibernation for the next 5 weeks before she heads down to Arizona.  She needs to focus on a strict diet and exercise regime and doesn't want any distractions, maybe even not a potential N5 but one never knows.....stay tuned....

I don't know what it is about this cougar that young men find attractive, N6 into the mix from the dating site.  He is only 41 years old and wants to pursue me, I tell him I'm heading down to Arizona soon and not into a relationship right now.  I will meet him, he likes to dance, he even suggest that we could take ballroom dance lessons together. The picture he produced of himself is nice, dark, handsome one never knows, it seems that there is a parade of young men coming my way nowadays perhaps I should date them and reconsider.

It's Tuesday January 24th, after a talk with one of my girlfriends, it seems there was a girl her daughter new who was out at a music fest.  She had one drink and went to a camp site to visit, well she didn't remember anything of the evening but woke up in the morning with blood around her.  It bothered her so much, not knowing what had happened that she went to a hypnotist and found out that she had been given a ruffie, and the hypnotist was able to determine who did it and when it happened, she also found out she was raped by two men.  I told my girlfriend I wanted the number of this hypnotist because I wanted to find out what happened to me the night my ex disowned me, he refused to tell me, and it's been on my mind since.  I need closure to this incident and hopefully I will be able to find out from my subconscious everything that happened night that I don't remember.

Wednesday January 25th, this dating site seems to be hopping now, there seems to be a message from someone new almost everyday.   N7 is an older gentleman and after chatting with him on the phone, he sounds down to earth and nice.  Although I still wonder what breaks up a marriage after 35 year together, it seems nothing is sacred anymore. I have also decided that N6 is too young for me, so I let the texting back and forth go slowly to the way side.

I end out going out dancing Friday night and who is there but N4 baby boy, without the new girl, I sure had him pegged sowing his wild oats.  I decide to chat with him at the end of the evening, he has this weird guy beside him, who puffs his chest out at me.  I'm laughing inside because he reminds me of a rooster.  His friend states he is heading over to another bar to get laid, I say under my breath, yes go.  N4 ask me what I think of the band and I tell him they are really good, lots of good dancing tunes.  He asks if I'm going to be there next Friday, I tell him I didn't think so, because the band playing is not so good, and I say goodbye and move back to my group of friends.  The evening was total fun, I get a good workout of shaking my booty all over the dance floor with my best girlfriend and a couple of guys.

Saturday, January 28th, one month till this cougar heads to Arizona, I decide to go out for lunch with N7.  We meet at the Olive Garden and have an enjoyable conversation.  Six degrees of separation, turns out I know this N7, I use to work with him when I was in my early 20's.  I knew his wife, she cut my hair for a time.  His is a nice looking man, and when lunch is over we walk out together, he hugs and kisses me on the lips, and I let him as he is leaving he tells me it up to me if I want to meet again, that I have his phone number.  As I walk away still laughing at the fact he is someone from my working past, I feel that I really don't want to pursue this one anywhere.  To me the past was laid to rest on New Years Eve, this cougar is moving on to bigger and better things.  Although honestly I still tend to revert back to missing my last lover.  It is hard to lay this one to rest, I can honestly say I truly loved him, but forever what reason the man upstairs deems him not to be mine. 

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